Saturday, January 26, 2013

1-26-13 6 of 100

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Good Swimmer

Great idea

I have never really heard these words directed to me much ... if any.  Today I did.  These words kept me going without really thinking about the pain I was feeling in my body.

I woke up bright and early, ok well at 5:30 am it wasn't really that bright.  I tried to be lazy but for some reason, on a Saturday morning when I could sleep in, I couldn't.  At 7ish I realized I could make it to the gym and in the pool by the time it opened at 8.  Did it happen?? of course not.  One of my bad habits knowing I have plenty of time and dwadling (is that really a word, my Mom use to say that about me) my time away.  I did however make it in the pool by 8:15 so that wasn't to bad.  The swim was harder than usual and I loved it.  I got tired sooner than I would have liked to but it was a good swim.  I have never seen that many people at the pool, esp on a Sat, ever.  

 I get there thinking I'm doing good only to find that the lanes were already full.  I was really happy when they offered to squeeze me in.  For the first hour there was at least 5-6 people trying to fit into 4 lanes and at some times someone sitting waiting to get in the pool.  This made for rough waters and a lil harder swim that I am use to.  I definitely got a workout in.  

By the time I had finished my first mile the pool had started to clear out with no one holding to get in.  Again for the 2nd time today I was glad that something good happened at the pool.  I was really getting tired and knew I wanted to get in at least another half mile.  The last part of my swim I did take easy partly because my leg kept trying to cramp up on me.  The pool is really not a good place to have a leg cramp lol.  I ended up swimming for an hour and forty-five min and some good conversation along the way.

As I was swimming had one of the ladies turn to be and tell say "man you are a good swimmer".  WHAT???  I have the funkiest swim anyone has probably ever saw.  Granted she was, at that time, swimming with one of the water noodles.  Come to find out she had just recently learned to swim.  She learned to swim so she could swim with her grand-kids   She is going to surprise them this summer.  I thought it was pretty cool.

I was feeling pretty good that at least she thought I was a good swimmer and it made me swim ... well a lil prouder? is that a word?? lol.  There is one lil oriental lady I see at the pool a lot and today was no different.  She doesn't swim as much as she does some exercises.  I had stopped to talk to the g'ma at one point and count my rock ( I'll explain in a min) and this is when she told me I had really good endurance.  I have WHAT??  ME?? ok ok I do keep going it's become my goal.  I laugh from time to time at the big swimmer how the swim really fast down and then have to rest.  I am the lil turtle that just keeps going.   Ok I can see endurance but I just never thought about it.

Ok so back to the rocks.  Since I started my 100 miles to swim in a year I actually have to count it.    Most would think this would be easy but for me and my overactive ADD mind I forget where I am in my count.  44 laps per miles.  So I came up with my "counter".  I took some of the rocks from my water fountain.  I have 10 med size and 4 a bit larger.  Each lap I move one of the small ones over, if someone doesn't splash them I do well keeping up with it.  I had at least three people today tell me it's a good idea.  The theory is good but again depending on who is swimming some times my rocks get splashed outta where I have them.  It's a process in work.  I have a few more ideas on what I am going to use for this.

So yeah they day was good.  I got encouragement in ways that I never thought about at the pool.  Now stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  

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