Saturday, March 29, 2014


so this bites.  I can't believe I have not kept up with things.  Amazing how getting sick for a week can get me off track so easy.  Here I am back where I don't want to be.  I feel like I am falling off track again.

The past month has been crazy.  I think I am feeling better but I keep going back and forth.  I don't know if it's from my meds being messed up or if I have some of the stomach virus that has been going around.
Monday I came home from work early feeling so nauseated all I wanted to do is sleep and hope it would go away.  I get home and I lay here feeling ... not so good.  I wanted to just go to sleep but now that I was where I could .. I couldn't.
Tuesday I tried the day again.  I had planned on going to the gym after work to get in some time.  Somehow I talked myself out of it "I'll go home and do bodycombat".  Oh no by the time get home my knee is bothering me.  This made me talk myself out of doing anything.  One thing after another I talked myself out of doing anything.
Thursday I had talked with my trainer and was going to get in a workout but before the time I was feeling sick again but was going to try and make it.  Then I get text that he had to cancel.  I came home and slept.
Friday let's try it again.  After a few hours of work I had planned to go to the gym.  I some how managed to set in the parking lot for at least half an hour before I could make myself go in.  I wasn't feeling bad I just couldn't make myself go in.
Finally I did go and did get in half an hour on the treadmill.  I kept up a good pace and got a decent burn going.  I left to go have lunch with my daughter before we went to see James ( to get my butt kicked).
I made plans to meet up back at the house and we would go eat.  By the time we both got here and ready to leave didn't have much time to eat.  I ended up stopping by Carl's Jr, it was only thing on the way, and we got ... yes french fries.  Not the best choice but I didn't want to go push a hard workout on an empty stomach, esp with the way I had been with my stomach being.
On the way to James had a close call with a semi truck that decided to change lanes at the last minute.  I locked up my breaks and looked behind me to see not one, not two but three other vehicles behind me having to lock down too.  Long story short it was not one of my finer moments and I was not ticked off.  By the time I got to the gym I was really needing to get off some steam.  I hadn't had a good workout in over a week and I was ready to get it all out.
This is what you get when you are really mad and don't keep a good form.  Yes I was wearing my gloves.  
Genie Bee's photo.
 but the gloves only come to my knuckles.  Had I not been so mad and ready to get out my frustrations I would have been paying attention to how I was hitting.  The heavy bag got a really good workout on me.  I did finally get it out to bad it was after I busted up my knuckles.

As if that wasn't enough when I was only 45 minutes into my hour workout it hit me.  No not the bag, my stomach.  Here I am in the middle of my first really good workout in weeks.  I had a great burn going.  I was drenched in sweat and still wanting more.  I know crazy right, but I love it.  
Anyway I start feeling sick at my stomach.  Not the best place for this to happen.  As if there was a good place to get sick away from the house.  So I cut my session short :(

Then I was off to the house and slept for the rest of the afternoon.  What a way to end the day.  I did manage to get out for a while to do some shopping.  I had to supplies for the wedding shower I am having for my son and future d-i-l.  I am not the best person for shopping but I wanted to get it done.  This trip lasted a bit longer than I had thought it would, after making it to several stores to get it all.  I still had to cook cakes.  I'm not even going to say how that came out. Anyway it was really late and I had planned on work today.
Today did some overtime and came home to finish up cakes, nope still  not gonna say how bad it looks :/ Still not feeling the best I didn't get a stop in at the gym like I wanted to but I did get the shower stuff finished.
So here I am 1:30 in the morning not being able to sleep and once again feeling sick at my stomach.  I hate that I am not able to get in gym time.  Maybe all this sick stomach will be keeping me down on my weight.  I hope so, I have my final weigh in next Sunday and I really need something good to happen with that.
So that's my week in a few paragraphs.  Wish me luck this week ... and say a lot of prayers.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


just when I think I have got it going something knocks me off my balance.  I was doing so well with this blog, exercise journey and then I get sick and now I am fighting to get back where I need to be.

 The good news I'm not just going all crazy and eating whatever I want in any amounts that I want.  Today was a big test of that.  One of our team members had his 10 yr company party.  Now I can't say I was the best I could be, they ordered Wingstop, but I didn't cave on some very rich, delicious cake.  This cake will make you gain at least five pounds just smelling it.  To say it's sweet doesn't even come close, one bite will put you in a sugar comma for the rest of the day.  I am by no means a chocolate fan but this is slap your momma good.  I looked at it ... I wanted some .... but I never even sniffed it.  Even better no one even offered me any, the kept it at the other end of the big table.

I wish I could say I am doing as well with my exercise.  Since I got knocked off my feet with the crud a few weeks ago I have not been able to get it going.  When I did start to feeling better my knee gave me a lot of pain about going.  I got the shot Friday and my Dr wanted me to wait at least 24 hrs before pushing it to much.  Saturday I worked and then worked around the house but never made it to the gym.

Yesterday I had planned on going to the gym after work but that didn't happen.  I felt sick at my stomach and ended up coming home early.  The rest of the evening I lay here on the couch being still trying to keep my stomach happy.

Today I was going to try it again.  The bag is packed and in the car.  Sadly this sick headache is back.  I know it's partly from me not getting enough sleep.  Which is something that has me upset.  The Dr office has my meds messed up.  Or should I say they are toooo incompetent to get it called in to the pharmacy like it needs to be done.  I am sure a good workout would help me get my frustrations out but I can't seem to get it done.  It's one of those catch 22 kinda things.

So I have part of my meds and I am going to try and sleep.  I am hoping tomorrow will be better.  Nite all

Friday, March 21, 2014


wow what a day.  I am happy to say I was about to get the shot for my knee and it's already starting to feel better.  Good thing, it's been a long day.

Work some overtime and ran a few errands before I got to the Dr office .... where I sat for over an hour before I got into the room.  At one point I was so tired I propped my feet up on the couch (since I was the only one there) and all but fell asleep.

I was really happy to get the shot and even more glad now that it has really kicked in.  I was able to walk around Wal-Mart for an hour and I'm not even having any pain.  WOOOHOOO!!!  So that means tomorrow I'm gonna hit it fast and hard.  I have time to make up for.

On another good note, even though I wasn't able to workout any this week I still managed to eat well enough that I lost four more pounds.  I felt pretty good about that. I wish I could have done that well AND got in exercise I could be unstoppable :D

So I am going to try something that is totally out of my norm.  I did this last week for three days but I am going for a full week starting Monday.  I have decided to eat vegan for the week to help to detox my body.  I am sure that is how I lost the four pounds so who knows how well I can do for a week of it WITH exercise.  I'll keep ya posted, wish me luck.

No workouts today Doc wanted me to "be good" for the next 24 hours after I had the shot.
"No body combat?
"I wouldn't recommend it"
"can I go boxing with my trainer"
After a good laugh thinking it was me joking around again " are you crazy?"
Since he did work me in for the shot I was good and didn't do any workout, he didn't say I couldn't walk around Wal-Mart ... sshhh don't tell ;)

Well if I am going to get in my overtime at work and hit the gym after I need to get to sleep.  Nite all.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


wow it's been 10 days since I last wrote.  The last few weeks have been rough.  The crud caught up to me and slowed me down the first week and then went full blown slap me in the face last week.  Still feeling it now but it's just the lingering cough.  But now my knee is keeping me down more than the crud.

Sadly I till today I had not been to the gym since the two weeks ago when I did my "5k" at the gym.  I got in one night some body combat for about twenty minutes.  I just had no energy.  I wish I could say that I had no energy to eat but I drank a lot of hot drinks and soups.  The combination of not moving much and eating isn't a good one.  At least when I did me weigh in I was didn't gain anything.  I didn't lose but I didn't gain.  So I have a lot of time to make up for.

Today was strange when I think about it.  I didn't get but maybe four hours of sleep but I don't feel sleepy.  I could get to sleep till after one last night (or this morning as it was) and the alarm went off at 5:30, I only hit snooze twice ... maybe three times.

I have been better about getting my lunch and breakfast from home instead of eating out.  It's to much money and well I have more control over what I have when I prepare it myself.  My morning ritual has become starting my breakfast to cooking while putting together my lunch.  I have all kinds of stuffed cooked and veggie prep is a snap.  While one meal is cooking I am pulling out bowls of "stuff" and mixing together what ever feels good for the moment. Then put it all in my bag, breakfast too, and off to get ready for work.  I got my breakfast to eat at work and my lunch.  At work on my desk I have a bowl of fruit for anyone that is looking for something healthy and delicious.

Tonight I did get in some gym time and it felt good, even though my knee is throbbing now.  I had told one of the other contestants that I would go with her so it gave me more motivation to go.  No excuses today.

I wanted to get in a hour of cardio but it wasn't happening today.  Thirty minutes on the treadmill and I was feeling the pain.  I did some weights and then a slow ride on the bike to finish off the day.  Tomorrow I am suppose to go a shot and I am hoping and praying that it will get me through a few weeks till the end of the contest.  I get so frustrated when I accomplish something I want to do.

Ok this was short and sweet for the night.  I am trying to get it together.  Tomorrow is a new day.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3-8 and 3-9

Wow what a day.  Oh yeah forgot I need to catch you up on Saturday

So Saturday ... Friday night we went to Lawton to see my son and do the Run or Dye 5k on Saturday.  The nights sleep was all messed up.  I woke up Saturday morning really not wanting to do anything but find a warm pouch and go back to sleep.  This wasn't going to happen I needed to be at packet pickup at 7am.

As my son is leaving for work I ask him "is it cold out"  "oh just a lil bit".  Ok I had planned on wearing my tanktop so I put on a t-shirt over it.  I know that even on the cooler days I have done a 5k that I get pretty warm and I wanted to be prepared.  I finally get moving an head out door with my daughter and it hit me.  Not that I had forgotten anything ... well maybe teaching my son what "a lit bit" cold means.  To say it was a lil bit cold would have been like saying weighing over 400 lbs is a lil heavy.  Are you kidding me??

I had already planned to stop at Wal-Mart for some bandages for the race (knee wrap I had forgotten and bandaids) so while I was there I thought I'd pick up a sweatshirt type jacket.  What I should have gotten was a coat to wear in Alaska!!!

By the time I had gotten to the event I was frustrated about several things and I was cold, and I hadn't even gotten out of the car yet.  I was driving around looking for the place to pick up the packets, which by the way there was no way to drive there.  We had to walk across this field probably about 2 football fields away.  I know I am there to exercise and it was only a "lil bit" cold.  WHATEVER!!!

By the time we had walk across the field tears were pouring down my face.  Not because my knee was hurting, even though it was, but because the "lil cold "breeze"" was hitting my face so hard that I had no choice in the matter.  By the time we walked back across that same field to the car I thought I was going to die.  No really.  The wind was blowing so hard and was so cold that I thought someone was pelting me with icicles in the back of my head ... through the hood on my jacket.

Now had it been just my knee or just the wind or just the cold I probably would have been ok with it but this was toooooooo much.  My daughter and I talked about it and decided on going to the gym instead.  I did hit the treadmill and got in a great workout there.  My goal is to finish a 5k in under an hour but it hasn't happened yet.  I set the treadmill for an hour and finished at 2.85 miles and a 400+calories burned.  It was as good a doing the 5k without the weather.  I didn't do the Run or Dye but I did the next best thing and felt good about it.  I thought about doing the rest of the distance but since my knee had already been popping some I decided to stop there.  I wish I had finished the distance too but I can't do anything about it now.  I still had a good workout.

Today was ok.  I did get a few things done but it's not usually a day that I do any workout.  I wanted to but I kept busy and didn't.  My knee is really bothering me and I am praying that it does last at least till the end of the contest.  I would love to be under 300 when I come to the point that I would HAVE to do something about it, so pray with me about that.

It's getting late and with the time change I am feeling tired.  :D

3-6 3-7 and 3-8

REALLLYYYY????  I missed THREE days?  Geez what is up with that?

Ok so I can honestly say it's not because I have been cheating or just being lazy.  Thursday is my really long "Friday" that I am not sure I can even remember.  Wait yes I can cuz I was sooooo exhausted by the time I got home all I wanted to do was sleep.  Really, that's why I can't remember exactly what I did. But I do know that my nutrition has been good, even if I would have to look back that day and see what it was I ate.  HHHMMm losing time and memory,  this has to be something about getting old.

Oh my, oh my Thursday is just a blur.  I don't even remember what I did that day.  I do know what I didn't do.  I didn't write down my foods.  I didn't exercise.  I ... I ... I just don't know.  I do remember being really tired and NOT wanting to go to work.  I had one of those sleepless nights that left me pretty drained. I know I need to be wearing my CPAP but ... well I have no legit reason, just excuses that are toooo bad to mention.

Sleep is just as important to health as the diet and exercise.  I have dealt with this on a personal level and have been forced to realize this.  I have read about it and talk to my Dr about it.  If the body doesn't get enough rest it doesn't have the energy to burn off the weight.  I have had multiple sleep studies done that tell me I don't function well without it.  I have used my cpap  DAILY over periods of time and know it does help my quality of life.  So why don't I keep using it?  Again I don't have a good reason.  Laying here and night and getting comfortable and THEN realizing that I don't have it on.  You know once you are comfortable you don't want to move.  I take the time to get my pillows and blankets just right and I don't want to move when I am in my pouch.  Sadly if I would pay that much attention to putting on my mask, as I do getting in my pouch, I would sleep better.  I know that when I don't sleep well all that time I spent on my pouch is worthless cuz I don't stay there long enough to really enjoy it for the night.  Lesson?  Go the extra step and put on the mask before I get settled.

ok so moving on ... Friday, now that day I remember.  The one day this week that I could have slept in till I wanted to I am awake at 6:00 in the morning.  NO no no!! I wanted to sleep.  Eehhh it's all good cuz I didn't feel tired so I got up and started my day.

After a lazy morning I went to see James.  He kicked my butt!!  Well actually before I met with him I did my body combat at home.  I had planned on doing at least half an hour but my knee had other plans.  I did make it 20 minutes before my knee started getting mad at me.  So I stopped for that time being.  THEN I went to James and he kicked my butt.   I did the boxing and I felt it.

Sadly I hadn't been "good" this week.  I ate out to many times.  Apparently I didn't write down all my calories.  And yes I missed sleep .. boy do I miss sleep :D  It was time for damage control.

We got in some boxing in some of the routines we normally do.  I was getting better form and I can tell my endurance is getting better, even just from when I starting the boxing.  When I started it felt like forever doing two minute rounds.  I am now doing three minutes round and it just don't feel like it's more.  I finished out the last round with some hard hits and it felt good.  Look down at my HRM and it was over 400 calorie burn.  Yup that's what I needed.

Then off to lunch with a friend.  Jason's deli was the choice because it has a great salad bar.  Funny how misleading that word salad can be.  Have you ever noticed that?  I think it's sadly funny how people will order/make a salad then cover it with JUNK.  And no I don't just mean tons of salad dressing.  They think because the word salad is there they are eating healthy.  Don't be deceived like that.  Be careful on every choice you make.

I can say that I was really good on mine.  I had lettuce, onions, beets, egg, just a lil bacon bits (I didn't say I was just perfectly good :D ) and a lil cheese.  Ahh there are the jalapenos ooohh and the banana peppers, I love those things.  Then was the lil garlic toast pieces, I didn't seem them til I look at my friends plate and had to have them.  I know bread is a weakness but I only got a few ... the first time :D  I did use my ranch dressing but I only drizzled it along the top.  The salad was so good I had to have more, of the same stuff without the bacon bits and cheese.  

As my friend and I finished and were talking about how much to write down for calories chart it hit, not me her.  The "salad" bar had some naughty things on there too.  Chocolate mousse and fruit "salad".  Now the fruit salad sounded ok, it's fruit right?  No,no it has "stuff" on it.  And the mousse?  Well it was BAD!!  No I don't mean tasting bad, calorie bad.  Just half a cup of this stuff was 360 calories.  Sadly she had already eaten over twice that much AND the fruit salad.  "yup it's off to spin class for me" she said.

We did talk about how, even if you don't plan in advance, at least review your choices before you eat.  It has been a hard road for me to learn to do that.  Not in the sense of making myself look but in the sense of actually finding something that I feel like I should be eating. I try not to get in the mindset of If I eat this I will need to do this much exercise to work it off.  I ask myself is it worth it?  When I do look at it that way before hand I usually make better choices.  There have been a few times I just opted not to eat, not always the best choice either.

Friday I had planned on doing body combat with the ladies at class but after the morning workouts I wasn't sure it would have been the best idea.  I knew I had planned to do the 5k for Saturday and I really wanted to save my knee for that.  I felt good about the decision because I had already did two workouts that left me with a good 600+ calorie burn and my food choices were good.

Well that has us up to Saturday and the 5k but you will have to wait for that part.  It's time to get ready for church so I can get my praise on. Have a super day all

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Looks like I have missed a few days and it's confession time.  No that's not the confession, unfortunately.  I haven't missed because I am not wanting to confess this but because I have been busy and tired.  When I am done you'll see why.
After Sunday weigh in I was feeling good about my loss.  I am happy to be down 31 lbs again and hoping an praying that I can keep it off this time.  I feel better and I am happy about where I am headed.  That being said comes the issues.   

Monday night I didn't write because my long day was longer than normal.  Not because I was feasting on the word or doing extra exercise.  There is a group of ladies at church that we go out to dinner from time to time and it was that time again.  I needed the fellowship.  I had a good time and I made healthy choices on my food, despite what initially came out for my order.

Since this happened first I will talk about my victory night before the fall.  Who goes to a steak house and orders fish?  This chick!!  I have to say I dearly love .. LOVE love a good rib eye.  I have been doing my best to stay away from red meat because it takes longer to flush thru the body.  I'm ok with that.  I have come to really love the other choices.

Of course when before you order the set down the beautiful basket of fresh baked rolls.  The were all glossy with melted butter.  I resisted.  I usually can chomped down a couple of these before the even take my order but I didn't that night.

I ordered my talipia ... mushrooms and baked sweet potato.  I was proud of my choices.  As we sat and talked I did finally, after a second basket of rolls were set down, took one that wasn't so loaded with butter.  I nibbled it till the time my meal came out.  That was my next challenge of the evening.

The fish looked great and smelled good too.  Then I noticed it.  My sweet potato was covered in butter and cinnamon sugar.  Not wanting to be hard about this I started not to say anything.  I could have just eat it like it was but that would have defeated my reason for ordering things the way I did.  I sent it back but then the waiter came back saying they were out. :(  At this point I opted for steam veggies, broccoli was the choice.  It was really good and I did enjoy it.  By the end of the meal he also gave me a sweet potato to take home.  Actually I still had half my food to bring home and ate it the next day.  I was feeling pretty good about that night.

Tuesday my son came into town with his sweetie and wanted to take me out to dinner.  This is where the confession time comes in.  I didn't write that night, not because of the choices, because the day passed and it was late.  I had spent time with the kids through the day and really enjoyed it.  When it came time to go to dinner the girls ended up talking me into Olive Garden with the promise of doing body combat when we got home.  That was the start of the downfall for the evening.

So we get to seated and of course there are bread sticks on the table.  No no don't get ahead of me ... I didn't have any.  So far so good.  I look at the lighter side of the menu and some of it really looked good but I was craving shrimp.  There was a really good looking pasta and shrimp dish that I caved for.  I told myself that I would eat the shrimp and just not eat much of the pasta.  Still NO bread sticks :D

The salad comes out and I ate two plates full.  I know I know the dressing, but I it's salad and I didn't have bread sticks :D  Who does that at Olive Garden?  
The meal comes out.  The waiter sets down the steaming hot bowl of shrimp pasta covered in creamy white sauce.  Do I want cheese?  Really you have to ask if I want cheese on pasta?? Silly waiter.  This is where it began. 
Now I didn't cover it in cheese, come to think about it I didn't have him put cheese on it at all.  lol  But I did end up eating all the shrimp AND pasta.  I was stuffed.  Still no break sticks ( I guess I am trying to tell myself I did something right) :D 

ok meal done lets go ... right?  Oh no, the kids have a sweet tooth tonight.  UUUGGHH!! I did well Monday night can I do it two nights in a row with the sweets?  Of course I can .... and I did.  I didn't even take one bite when it was offered to me.

Even though I had some good points about the night I still left feeling stuffed and miserable really.  I had tried to fill up on the salad so not to eat so much of the pasta that I caved on ordering and I felt like I was going to pop.  I really needed body combat.

We get home and of course they bailed on me with the body combat.  I was feeling so stuffed I knew I needed to do it but I convinced myself that I couldn't move and I wanted to visit with my son.  I ended up going to sleep feeling stuffed and getting no exercise.

But today is a new day and I will get off my hinney and get it going.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Yes I know I missed a day again.  But I have a good reason for it.

no I don't.  I just got to busy doing other things and didn't write yesterday.  I spent time with family. :D

Today was an official weigh for the contest.  I am happy to say I am down another four lbs.  That means for the contest officially I am down seventeen pounds.  Unofficially down 31 pounds since Dec 30 when I went to the Dr last.  Hard work is paying off a lil at a time.

I try really hard not to focus on a number on the scale but since I am part of a contest I am forced to every other week.  At the same time forced is kind of a strong word to use here.  I am happy in the sense that this keeps me focused on moving forward.  It's what I needed to get me back going and it's what I need to keep me going for now.  I am hoping and praying that by the time this contest is over I will have strong enough habits that I won't slack off again.  Yes if you are reading this I want you to keep me on my toes.

I know I have said this before but I was really surprised that I lost anything. When I weighed at church Wednesday night I was up three pounds.  I wasn't terrible upset like I had been just before last weigh in.  I knew it wasn't my normal weigh time and I had time to work on things.  At the same time I was really hoping that I would at least break even with my last weigh in.  I just didn't feel like I had worked that much.  And I hadn't.

In prior weeks I had been hitting the gym for hours doing cardio and some weights.  I would leave with having burned maybe 200-300 calories.  I felt pretty good about it but wanted to do more.  I am now burning MORE than twice that in less time.

I had decided that I wanted to add classes to my workout routine.  I love boxing each week with my trainer and I get a great burn going in a short time.  My next best love right now is Body Combat, I may have mentioned this a couple dozen times or two now ():D

I am lucky to burn 250 calories on the treadmill in an hour.  Friday night when Tara got finished with us in the class I looked down at my HRM and seen 617!!!  In 45 minutes of kicks, jabs, and squats, not to mention almost kicking my friend Yolanda once or twice, I had a better burn than hours on the treadmill.  I knew that I burned more in the classes but it just really hit me then.

So when I say I haven't worked as much in a sense I haven't, time wise anyway.  I have my CD's at home and love doing them in the evenings.  I have my daughter interested in doing it.  She went to class with me Friday and said once she got the hang of what to do she loved it.  We all left drenched in sweat but it was with a lighter step :D  My game plan is to get in at least 30 min of the CD each day after the gym.

This week I will probably do more gym time just to get try and get my pace up for the 5k next weekend.  I am hoping I will do better than last time.  Who knows I just like to go and be able to say I did it.  Crazy?  I don't care.  Anyone that has know me more than 30 days knows I don't care.  I do what I feel like is good for me.  If you don't like the way I look doing it you don't have to look, I didn't ask you to :D  I just like getting out there and feeling like I have accomplished something ... ya know?

As far as my nutrition I am still working on the right angle to keep it at.  This 50% carbs ... 40% protein and 10% fat is different for me.  My mind always turns to the starchy side of carbs when I think of them but there are more than those.  My last post I put in a list of good carbs that aren't as bad.  Some of them higher fiber and higher carbs that will help work on my body burning off the calories quicker. I plan to add at least one of these things from the list each week to broaden my food choices.

 So with the body combat and the flip in the chart it's working slowly.  I am taking it one day at a time .... impatiently  lol

Who wants to join me?