Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5-14-13 16 of 100

One of the days I hope to get it all together.  One of these day I hope that I can live a happy free life.  A life free of food addiction.  A life where I don't have to take meds for depression.  A life where I can just be happy to be alive. I know that not all of these can be.  I know that I will have to deal with them for the rest of my life.  Lets face I am pushing 50, if I was going to "get it all together" I would have done so by now.  God has me here, where I am, for a reason and I accept that.  Even at my age I am still learning to deal with all this.  I will never "get there".

I have not been writing cuz I don't feel like I have anything to say that would motivate anyone.  I didn't feel like I had anything to say that anyone wants to hear.  I know that I started this to keep me on track and hopefully motivate someone along the way.  I just don't feel like I have been doing that. 

Now that I have my confession out what have I been doing?  I have been bouncing back and forth with exercise and nutrition.  It seems if I get going on my nutrition I miss it with exercise and vise a versa.  I told someone today, jokingly, that I need someone to keep me on track.  Even though I said it as a joke I probably do need someone to keep me accountable.  It is tooooo easy for me to find an excuse not to do the right things.  I love motivating people and helping them but some days I need it too.  Everyone needs someone to motivate them, me included. 

I was on a roll with the gym till last week.  Somehow I hurt my arm and there is pain that I don't know what to do with it.  I had hoped that it would be better by now by not using it to much.  Tomorrow I am going to attempt the gym.  I NEED my swim.  I just don't feel the same when I don't get some type of exercise.  REAL exercise not just the lil things I do for the extra stuff.  I still park towards the back of the parking lot at work.  I take the stairs .... going down all the time but been lazy about it going up.

Tomorrow ... no today I will get in some kind of exercise, even if its just walking on my lunch.  I NEED to regain control of the road I have been walking the past two years.  It was not for nothing.  It is for my life.  A healthier life that I deeply desire.  We all do.  

If you do not have an accountability partner look for one.  If you need give me a call, even if you don't live close, we can call and talk or text or whatever you need to keep on track. I'm ready for this are you?  

Stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  WE CAN do this!!!

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