ok so yesterday was a MAJOR fail day for me. I didn't get in any exercise (other than walking around two different stores for about an hour). I have an overdraw on my food calories. I just had a BAD day.
Was I in a bad mood? no
Was I depressed? Don't think so
Was I bored? Shouldn't have been, I had plenty to do.
Was I unmotivated? And how ... I just could not get myself going, I guess it was the turkey hangover. I had plenty to do. I had photos I needed to work on. I house cleaning I NEEDED to get done. I could not get going. I did my blog, I pulled up my photo work and ..... "oh I'm thirsty" says my brain, or something in my body lol
As I am in the kitchen going to make my glass of water like a good lil girl I planned on being the leftovers called my name. I hadn't eaten and re.ally didn't feel like cooking, first mistake. Remember the pecan pie I mentioned yesterday? It got the best of me. Just a small slice ... this time. I can say that I never STUFFED myself at any given time, but I did make bad choices on what I ate, aahh the pie?? I know if I had just stopped an had a real breakfast, instead of "snacking" a few bites here an there I would have done better. I would have felt full at that point and stopped eating something (no matter how small) each time I went back to the kitchen. One of those lesson to learn.
I've never felt like I was an emotional eater. To me this is a person that eats depending on how they felt. I don't know, maybe yesterday was one. At the same time I wasn't upset about anything. I was sad, or mad, least not that I can really think of. Then again I can always stop an think of something that will make me mad or sad if I wanted to, but who has that much time?
Finally about mid afternoon I showered and dressed to go to the store. I didn't ever make it outta the house till after 5 last night. My niece and I went to get some picture frames for all these pictures that had been piled in my fireplace mantel. The most productive thing I did was cleaning the fireplace and reorganizing the mantel. While I was there I started a fire ... aahhmm I love my fireplace.
Today I will tackle cleaning and reorganizing my entertainment center. The kids may not be happy with me when I am done ... they have "stuff" on it. :D <3. After that the shelves, another place that they kids think they can just put "stuff" on. Today WILL be a better day.
Ok so it's time to go eat a real meal and get ready for church. Stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.
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