Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday 11-5-12

today has not been a good day.  The weekend wasn't really good either.  I guess that's why I didn't blog.  I didn't like doing anything.  ANYTHING.  I am in a funk, probably feelings sorry for myself a bit.  Yesterday stopped caffeine and feeling it.  Didn't really plan it but had run out of the case of Monster drinks that I had bought and just didn't want to buy one yesterday morning on my way to church.  After church didn't think much about it till I realized the headache was not going away.
Today I thought that since I had already hit the headache stage I wanted to keep going.  I took a few drinks but that's all.  Considerably less since I usually have at least 1-2 a day.
Today I was in my funk, no not because of the withdraws, just other things going on.  Before I left for work I had some eggs and wheat toast.  
When I got in the car there was the bag of chips I had bought yesterday.  No, not a small bag.  The  regular big bag of my sea salt an pepper kettle chips.  I had bought them when I was upset and they were calling my name today.  I munched on the till around 2:00 this afternoon.  Not my best choice of the day, esp since I didn't eat lunch.
Early break went for walk.  I really had hoped that I could walk off the frustration that I was feeling.  No frustration isn't really the word.  I've got a hurt that I really don't want to talk about on here.  Some things in life are just that way.  I keep dealing with it.
My lunch I really didn't want to walk, but I didn't want to find a corner to cry in either.  I figured that walking would be the better option.  I did get in my 30 min for the day.
By the end of my work day the headache was much worse that I thought it could be.  I took some more pain reliever but probably shouldn't have, it gave my a stomach ache.  To many on an empty of this old lady was a bad combo.  I tried eating when I got home but it was already to late.  I had a bowl of raisin bran. 
now here I sit blogging .. nite all

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