Friday, January 24, 2014


SSSoooo today I didn't do as much as I had planned but it was definitely a more productive day that last Friday.

Up early to drop my daughter off and work.  Then stopped for a quick bite and some water and I was off to the gym.  More and more I see how important it is to make ahead.  There isn't always the most healthy choices out there when you are on the run.

Breakfast I had one of my energy bars but I knew that wasn't going to be enough.  I had planned on sleeping in for a bit today an hitting it hard.  Before I feel asleep last night I was asked to take her to work and at that time of the night I was to tired to get up an prepare anything for today.  For that matter I waited til the very last second to get up and get dressed to take her.  Remember? It's cold? What do I like to do? Yeah I was warm snuggled with my kitty cat under my blanky.
What oh what is there to eat on the run?  I ended up at McDonalds and ordered bacon, cheese and egg biscuits.  I ate the middle and tossed the rest.  Don't worry it didn't go to waste, the lil birdies loved it. :D

At the gym I wanted to do at least 20-30 minutes on the treadmill.  My knee had different plans for me.  Less than 10 minutes in my knee started slipping.  So off to the bike and ended up staying there for an hour.  Then off to the ab room.  It felt good to be there.

After that would have been time for my trainer but since he called bright and early saying he was sick I had changed the plans.  I need to get some things done around the house.  So after picking up the check, cashing it, and wandering around Wal-Mart for about 30 minutes it was time to pick up my daughter from work.  

As I drove home from there I realized I was feeling sleepyish.  I thought I would come home and rest for a few.  I ended up getting back out to help a friend.  The had to go check on the grandpuppy with my daughter.  Ok so I'll rest for a few minutes before the gym.  By this time my legs were really hurting.  I don't think it was so much from the workout but more from the cold.  I really don't do well with cold.  Does that mean I am getting old?  lol

When I got home the first time stopped for lunch. The plan was some ground turkey but realized I didn't have an thawed. I almost went for that crazy calzone.  Nope I pulled out the eggs, mushrooms, onion and bell pepper.  What can I say eggs are a good stand by.   I was still a bit hungry when I went to help my friend and picked up a roasted chicken.  That was my afternoon snack.

So I got in the morning workout.  I missed the workout with trainer and I didn't make it to my evening workout.  I am feeling a bit upset with myself till I started logging my food choice to decide what I wanted to eat for dinner.  We had gone to Ihop ... pancakes?  ahhh no!!!  I found a really delicious chicken dish for 400 calories.  When I counted it all up I had done better today than I did yesterday.  I stayed busy all day, even outside of the gym.  I was on target with my nutrition.  So yeah I had a good day.

So now it's time to rest and get ready for the 5k Hunger Run tomorrow.  I am really looking forward to it.  I do soooo hope that my knee will be nice to me.  So say a prayer for me that I can get it done.  Better yet, say a prayer and come join me :D

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