Today was a good day. The alarm went off at 4:15 I only hit snooooz once. By 5:05 my daughter and I were at the gym. I got a good 2,000+ calorie burn going to start the day. Came home had a healthy breakfast.
Went to work, at lunch visited my buddies at subway. Got my footlong turkey sub on wheat, ate half then and half for dinner. Yup I ate some fruit along the way today too. YEAH ME!! Then the dreaded evening time. When I get home and "bored", not that I don't have anything to do but it seems the evening time is the worst time that I want to eat something. I was a lil hungry but last night I won the battle. I try not to eat after 6 in the evening but sometimes it just doesn't happen that way. Last night was one of those I did good times :D
The morning workout was great. I got a good burn going in the weight room and then was off to the pool. I love being the first one in the water. It was quiet, for about 20 minutes. I am ALWAYS self conscious of me walking in a swim suit, I don't even like the way I look but it's not stopping me.
I make my way into the water. Just before I make that first stroke to start my swim I look to the end. I am eye level with the water. It is still. Not a ripple ... yet. As I start to take each stroke the water starts to ripple as I make my way down to the other end of the pool. The closer I get to the end the quicker the waves come back at me till one splashes me in the face. I was so lost in my thoughts already that I hadn't realized it was coming so it stopped me for just a moment to catch my breath.
I swam for about 20 minutes before someone joined me. Now this guy is a good swimmer but he can make some waves. I get a lil irritated at times but I know it's not his fault, he has the right to swim too. Each time I get hit with the water, I take another breath and keep going. I finally focused on things other than the water. Before I knew it the hour was gone and I was ready to hit the shower.
It's kind of like anything in life. If we are going to get where we need to go there will be waves and set backs. If I were to stop every time something hit me in the face I would never get any place. I have had my set backs. I have even come to a stand still and even back slide a couple of times, but I am not going to just STOP!! Don't stop keep going. Its the chant I need these days.
What keeps you going when you want to give up?
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