ok so I had another great day. Hour and half on the bike and hour and a half in the pool. I stayed with just a cardio day. Calorie count great. I didn't eat what some would think I would eat to lose weight but I am just over my 1,500 calories. Since I keep my calorie range 1,500-2,000, I could still have a snack but it's after 10:00 and I really don't like to eat this late.
I woke up wanting a sandwich. Not a breakfast sandwich, but something I would normally pack in a lunch. When I got home from the gym I was tired and didn't really feel like cooking so I had an apple ... no wait two small apples. The were just the right sweetness. So juicy that it would almost drip down my chin every time I took a bite. And some peanut butter and diet jelly. I had the same for dinner minus the apple but added a handful of Spicy Doritos. And drank lots. One thing you can count on, if you drink enough water it will help you feel full. It is also good for you :D
Since I am still on vacation, I am still on MY time :^D Yes I slept in. Well for my normal week day hours. For the normal person not going to the gym I got up WAY to early. My internal clock went off just before 7am. I didn't get myself moving for about an hour.
It was 9:30 before I got to the gym but it didn't take long to get going. And the two people that said they wanted to go with me were not there :( I got the "TV bike" today and set up my hour to get going. I got into the show that was on and before I knew it my hour had gone by and my 5 min cool down was flashing on the bike. I felt good but when I got up I did walk funny for a few steps. I don't know why but my legs felt a lil jelly like.
The swim was nice. I got there and the pool was empty. Yes I said EMPTY. I never seen it empty at that time of the day but I welcomed it. Well other than the life guard had some funky music playing louder than I cared for. I guess had it been something that I liked it would have been ok. I think I am getting old. lol It was long before someone came in, but the water was still pretty smooth.
The first hour went by pretty quick. Well the first 40 minutes did. I only had 1.5 hours to start with and I planned on making the best of ALL that time. I am really going to miss this when I have to go back to work next week. I realized the more I swim the less I stop. I was thinking about the first time I went, just this past November. I use the excuse that I was battling with an upper respiratory infection that kept my breath short to start with. But I had to stop every few laps to catch my breath. Now my goal is to be able to swim 20 minutes minimum before I stop more than I few seconds on my turn around. "don't stop keep going"
If you are reading this and you are struggling to get it going hang in there. I still have my days that I really don't want to go. If I really was 100% truthful about it I would say there is a part of that in me every day. Some days I actually look forward to it. It's hard to get going but once I do feel so much better. I hate to miss a day. When I get in a good workout I feel more energized and I sleep better at night. I don't wake up tired like I use to. Some weeks I only get in a day or two in the gym but even those days are better than sitting on the couch all the time. I am up an moving. Not to mention it's a great time to pray and get rid of the depression.
My plans when I got home was to work on the house. That didn't happen. I did get some junk in the back yard hauled off, but really want to get some spring cleaning done inside too. Tomorrow is my last day that I had planned to get this stuff done. I think I can safely say that I will not get to painting my kitchen this week. It's ok, because I did accomplish my health goals on going extra time to the gym every day. I did what I wanted, workout. This week has been about me.
I know to some who may read this might say I am being selfish, and I am. Sometimes you just have to be selfish. Like anything else there is a time an place for it. I spent to many days, weeks, months and even years always putting everyone else in front of me. I have no problem doing for others. Well that is my problem. I use to feel guilty when I didn't do for others in some cases. It's the good and bad about me. I am a giving person, I just have to remember to give to myself too. This time around it is about me. It should have been about me other times but it wasn't. I tried to do it for my husband, now ex husband. I tried to do it for my kids so they would not be ashamed to be seen with me. I tried it for many reason, really not ones about me.
I still want my kids to be proud of me, not ashamed to be seen with me. I still want to look good. Most of all I want to feel good. I want to be able to walk and not get out of breath. I want to be around to see my kids grow up, get married and give me grand-babies. I want to live a healthy life :D It comes one choice at a time. What's your choice these days?
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