Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I missed this last night, but for good reasons.  My daughters friend came by to ask if he could take her to the prom.  I think I like this guy, but don't tell him that ...yet :D  It was pretty late when he left, since I didn't get home till 8:30 but he cleared that with me before hand, and I had been up since 4 yesterday morning.  Remember last week when I stayed up way to late at the ER, yea don't need a repeat of that.

Yesterday I had a great day.  I got up and was at the gym by 5ish, I was waiting on my daughter to get up :D.  I got in a good workout.  There was a few laps that I wanted to toss in the towel and go when dolphin boy came in.  I kept telling myself that I can't stop just because it gets hard.   I have done that with too many things in the past and I am determined that I am not going to do it this time.  One of my larger victories with that was when I went back to college, at over 40, and finished.  I was two classes away from finishing and had to take off a session.  I was so tempted to not go one with it, but I made it.  Granted I now have a degree in Graphic Design that I can not completely use like it was intended, but I have transitioned it to my photography. 

Ok so back to my day, now that I caught that rabbit.  

My day started out with a great workout.  I was feeling the burn.  Breakfast?  I have been craving peanut butter. Don't know why but I have.  Breakfast I wasn't really that hungry but I know I need to eat.  Since peanut butter was there I had some.  I love to mix some peanut butter and jelly, diet jelly only 10 calories per serving, in a bowl and eat it.  No, no bread just the pb&j.  Lunch I had roasted chicken and brussel spouts.  I actually only ate a few of them, they were done enough.  I had the leftovers of the same thing for my dinner.  I have found on the days I get to the gym I make healthier choices all around.  I guess working out gets my mind set for that, I'll have to keep note of that.  See this is why I blog.  I think things out better.  The rest of the time my mind races to much to keep it all in line. :D

Today was a sleep in day.  The pool is closed to a class on Wednesdays for SIX weeks.  I know I could go and ride stationary or treadmill after I do weights, but I  just don't like sitting still or walking an getting no where.  I can do that at home.  So on Wednesdays I will walking.  I love to walk around the neighborhood and around the parking lot at work on my lunch.  I can't believe I said love to walk, a year ago I would never had said that.  What a difference a year makes huh?

My NSV yesterday?  I had been walking on one of my breaks and two of the other ladies that walk, rarely at the times I do, were walking.  Now usually anyone walking at the same time as I am will tend to lap me at some point.  When I was go around the corner I could see them at times getting closer but didn't think anything about it till I heard "wow it doesn't seem like she is walking that fast but we can't catch up to her unless we run"  They had been trying to catch up and walk with me but I was walking too fast.  I didn't even realize it till then.  Of course at this point I walked faster just to have fun with it.  I laughed and did a funny walk for a minute and told them "catch me if you can".  Last year it was all I could do to walk around like that without passing out, now I can do this at a fairly good pace without huffing an puffing like a crazy person.  It feels GOOD!!

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