God's word tells us to take captive all our thoughts. This is where my problem is this week. Well many times for that matter. I sometimes set my goals higher than I should I guess. Even when I don't if they are reasonable goals and I miss the mark, but tried my best, I hear "the thoughts".
My goals this weeks, and for weeks to come, are two simple ones. Get control of healthy food choices and hit the gym twice a day. Some think "ok food choices easier than the gym one". This is not true for me and just the opposite as to what I did at the start of my journey. Getting up and getting to the gym has become something like .. well going to work. I know it's needed. I don't always want to. But when I am done with it I can look back and say "ya did good".
Food choices? Now that is a bit different. When I started this journey two years ago cutting out whites and sugars and watching my portions size was a bit easier than it is now. Why? Why was it easier then and not feel like so much a habit now? No really tell me why? I only have excuses.
So here's where the defeated feeling comes in. I want to go to the gym twice a day. I want to keep up with my swim goal for the year. I still have 47 miles to hit that 100 mark. This has been pretty easy for me right now. I swim at least 3/4 a mile each day. If I go even only 4 times a week for that distance I will hit 60 more miles by the end of the year. That would pass my goal.
My second part of the gym trip is the treadmill. This is where I am kicking myself. I want to work on my pace for upcoming 5ks.
As you know I did my 1st 5k last weekend and loved it. I know I can't believe I say that. It was a blast. Well not the whole thing. There were times I wanted to stop but did so only for maybe 30-60 seconds. The last half mile (not knowing how close I was cuz of no markers) I didn't think I could make it.
A lady come by me and I jokingly asked her to carry me the rest of the way. Yes I did lol. We started talking a bit and before I knew it we were done. I didn't realize just how close I was. We turned the corner to see the finish line (my daughter ran ahead to cross it) and I felt that smile that come deep from within that you can't stop.
I said lets run, to the lady that I had been chatting with since she wouldn't carry me, knowing this isn't going to happen lol. I, for what crazy reason, handed my phone to a total stranger and got the to take my pic of my coming across the line.
I got so caught up in the moment of making it there I wasn't thinking of anything else. Apparently since I handed my phone to a total stranger.
I don't know who she was. I never got her name. I don't know that I will ever see her again but I am so glad she came along when she did. Talking to her made me forget where I was, more or less, and I made it across that line.
So my 2nd workout comes back to the 5k because I am hooked. It's crazy but I want to do more. This one started in memory of my "hero" Garvin but I am ready to keep going.
I already have signed up for the Color Run on 9-7. Anyone that is in town come join me or at least cheer me on along the way. Yeah you can take pix too :D
This week my plan for a 2nd workout just didn't happen. I used the excuse I was sore on Monday and I didn't want to push to hard. Oh wait I used that excuse that morning too lol
Tue I actually had my stuff in the car for the 2nd workout but I didn't make it. Why? I don't remember what excuse I used that day. I have plenty of them, even if some are good reasons not to go. I had been working on a pace to make the 5k and I want to get back on the treadmill with that. It's not a hard goal it's just one that I have do it.
These goals I have set are not that hard. The eating part I just have grab hold of it. Some days I tell myself I have done without to many times and need to just dive in and eat what I want. Oh wait THAT'S HOW I GOT THIS WAY!! Satan you are a liar and I don't NEED that stuff. Funny thing in the back of my head somewhere, when I am looking at food choices, I hear that voice talking to me about what I should eat. I wish I listened to it more. Some day I just blow it outta the water. I guess I need to add a 3rd goal. Keep captive my thoughts.
I need to push away the thoughts that are not going to get me where I need to be. I need to do this with every part of my life. Spiritually, physically and financially. It's a package deal. I know that when I trust in the Power that gives me life I can do it.
sooo Who's with me? Are you going to just stand back and cheer me or will you join me? Let's do this guys. I need all the help I can.
So yeah ... Say a prayer and lets do it.
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