Sunday, August 11, 2013

8-11-13 29 of 100

Well I'm not seeing the victory on the scales.  I feel good but defeated at the same time.  I have gotten up every morning but Monday this week and made it to the gym for a swim. My eating habits are not off the charts but not spot on healthy either.  Anyone that follows me on will see that.  When I take the time to write it all down I log the good, the bad and the ugly.  Some days "I'll do it later" just doesn't happen good or bad.

God's word tells us to take captive all our thoughts.  This is where my problem is this week.  Well many times for that matter.  I sometimes set my goals higher than I should I guess.  Even when I don't if they are reasonable goals and I miss the mark, but tried my best, I hear "the thoughts".  

My goals this weeks, and for weeks to come, are two simple ones.  Get control of healthy food choices and hit the gym twice a day.  Some think "ok food choices easier than the gym one".  This is not true for me and just the opposite as to what I did at the start of my journey.  Getting up and getting to the gym has become something like .. well going to work.  I know it's needed.  I don't always want to.  But when I am done with it I can look back and say "ya did good".

Food choices? Now that is a bit different.  When I started this journey two years ago cutting out whites and sugars and watching my portions size was a bit easier than it is now.  Why? Why was it easier then and not feel like so much a habit now?  No really tell me why?  I only have excuses. 

So here's where the defeated feeling comes in.  I want to go to the gym twice a day.  I want to keep up with my swim goal for the year.  I still have 47 miles to hit that 100 mark.  This has been pretty easy for me right now.  I swim at least 3/4 a mile each day.  If I go even only 4 times a week for that distance I will hit 60 more miles by the end of the year.  That would pass my goal.

My second part of the gym trip is the treadmill.   This is where I am kicking myself.  I want to work on my pace for upcoming 5ks.

As you know I did my 1st 5k last weekend and loved it.  I know I can't believe I say that.  It was a blast.  Well not the whole thing.  There were times I wanted to stop but did so only for maybe 30-60 seconds.  The last half mile (not knowing how close I was cuz of no markers) I didn't think I could make it.

 A lady come by me and I jokingly asked her to carry me the rest of the way.  Yes I did lol.   We started talking a bit and before I knew it we were done.  I didn't realize just how close I was.  We turned the corner to see the finish line (my daughter ran ahead to cross it) and I felt that smile that come deep from within that you can't stop.
  I said lets run, to the lady that I had been chatting with since she wouldn't carry  me, knowing this isn't going to happen lol.  I, for what crazy reason, handed my phone to a total stranger and got the to take my pic of my coming across the line.  

I got so caught up in the moment of making it there I wasn't thinking of anything else.  Apparently since I handed my phone to a total stranger. 

 I don't know who she was.  I never got her name.  I don't know that I will ever see her again but I am so glad she came along when she did.  Talking to her made me forget where I was, more or less, and I made it across that line.  

So my 2nd workout comes back to the 5k because I am hooked.  It's crazy but I want to do more.  This one started in memory of my "hero" Garvin but I am ready to keep going.

I already have signed up for the Color Run on 9-7.  Anyone that is in town come join me or at least cheer me on along the way.  Yeah you can take pix too :D  

This week my plan for a 2nd workout just didn't happen.  I used the excuse I was sore on Monday and I didn't want to push to hard.  Oh wait I used that excuse that morning too lol
Tue I actually had my stuff in the car for the 2nd workout but I didn't make it.  Why?  I don't remember what excuse I used that day.  I have plenty of them, even if some are good reasons not to go.  I had been working on a pace to make the 5k and I want to get back on the treadmill with that.  It's not a hard goal it's just one that I have do it.

These goals I have set are not that hard.  The eating part I just have grab hold of it.  Some days I tell myself I have done without to many times and need to just dive in and eat what I want.  Oh wait THAT'S HOW I GOT THIS WAY!!  Satan you are a liar and I don't NEED that stuff.   Funny thing in the back of my head somewhere, when I am looking at food choices, I hear that voice talking to me about what I should eat.  I wish I listened to it more.  Some day I just blow it outta the water.  I guess I need to add a 3rd goal.  Keep captive my thoughts. 

I need to push away the thoughts that are not going to get me where I need to be.  I need to do this with every part of my life.  Spiritually, physically and financially.  It's a package deal.  I know that when I trust in the Power that gives me life I can do it. 

sooo  Who's with me?  Are you going to just stand back and cheer me or will you join me?  Let's do this guys.  I need all the help I can.
So yeah ... Say a prayer and lets do it.

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