The past month has been crazy. I think I am feeling better but I keep going back and forth. I don't know if it's from my meds being messed up or if I have some of the stomach virus that has been going around.
Monday I came home from work early feeling so nauseated all I wanted to do is sleep and hope it would go away. I get home and I lay here feeling ... not so good. I wanted to just go to sleep but now that I was where I could .. I couldn't.
Tuesday I tried the day again. I had planned on going to the gym after work to get in some time. Somehow I talked myself out of it "I'll go home and do bodycombat". Oh no by the time get home my knee is bothering me. This made me talk myself out of doing anything. One thing after another I talked myself out of doing anything.
Thursday I had talked with my trainer and was going to get in a workout but before the time I was feeling sick again but was going to try and make it. Then I get text that he had to cancel. I came home and slept.
Friday let's try it again. After a few hours of work I had planned to go to the gym. I some how managed to set in the parking lot for at least half an hour before I could make myself go in. I wasn't feeling bad I just couldn't make myself go in.
Finally I did go and did get in half an hour on the treadmill. I kept up a good pace and got a decent burn going. I left to go have lunch with my daughter before we went to see James ( to get my butt kicked).
I made plans to meet up back at the house and we would go eat. By the time we both got here and ready to leave didn't have much time to eat. I ended up stopping by Carl's Jr, it was only thing on the way, and we got ... yes french fries. Not the best choice but I didn't want to go push a hard workout on an empty stomach, esp with the way I had been with my stomach being.
On the way to James had a close call with a semi truck that decided to change lanes at the last minute. I locked up my breaks and looked behind me to see not one, not two but three other vehicles behind me having to lock down too. Long story short it was not one of my finer moments and I was not ticked off. By the time I got to the gym I was really needing to get off some steam. I hadn't had a good workout in over a week and I was ready to get it all out.

This is what you get when you are really mad and don't keep a good form. Yes I was wearing my gloves.

but the gloves only come to my knuckles. Had I not been so mad and ready to get out my frustrations I would have been paying attention to how I was hitting. The heavy bag got a really good workout on me. I did finally get it out to bad it was after I busted up my knuckles.
As if that wasn't enough when I was only 45 minutes into my hour workout it hit me. No not the bag, my stomach. Here I am in the middle of my first really good workout in weeks. I had a great burn going. I was drenched in sweat and still wanting more. I know crazy right, but I love it.
Anyway I start feeling sick at my stomach. Not the best place for this to happen. As if there was a good place to get sick away from the house. So I cut my session short :(
Then I was off to the house and slept for the rest of the afternoon. What a way to end the day. I did manage to get out for a while to do some shopping. I had to supplies for the wedding shower I am having for my son and future d-i-l. I am not the best person for shopping but I wanted to get it done. This trip lasted a bit longer than I had thought it would, after making it to several stores to get it all. I still had to cook cakes. I'm not even going to say how that came out. Anyway it was really late and I had planned on work today.
Today did some overtime and came home to finish up cakes, nope still not gonna say how bad it looks :/ Still not feeling the best I didn't get a stop in at the gym like I wanted to but I did get the shower stuff finished.
So here I am 1:30 in the morning not being able to sleep and once again feeling sick at my stomach. I hate that I am not able to get in gym time. Maybe all this sick stomach will be keeping me down on my weight. I hope so, I have my final weigh in next Sunday and I really need something good to happen with that.
So that's my week in a few paragraphs. Wish me luck this week ... and say a lot of prayers.
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