Thursday, March 20, 2014


wow it's been 10 days since I last wrote.  The last few weeks have been rough.  The crud caught up to me and slowed me down the first week and then went full blown slap me in the face last week.  Still feeling it now but it's just the lingering cough.  But now my knee is keeping me down more than the crud.

Sadly I till today I had not been to the gym since the two weeks ago when I did my "5k" at the gym.  I got in one night some body combat for about twenty minutes.  I just had no energy.  I wish I could say that I had no energy to eat but I drank a lot of hot drinks and soups.  The combination of not moving much and eating isn't a good one.  At least when I did me weigh in I was didn't gain anything.  I didn't lose but I didn't gain.  So I have a lot of time to make up for.

Today was strange when I think about it.  I didn't get but maybe four hours of sleep but I don't feel sleepy.  I could get to sleep till after one last night (or this morning as it was) and the alarm went off at 5:30, I only hit snooze twice ... maybe three times.

I have been better about getting my lunch and breakfast from home instead of eating out.  It's to much money and well I have more control over what I have when I prepare it myself.  My morning ritual has become starting my breakfast to cooking while putting together my lunch.  I have all kinds of stuffed cooked and veggie prep is a snap.  While one meal is cooking I am pulling out bowls of "stuff" and mixing together what ever feels good for the moment. Then put it all in my bag, breakfast too, and off to get ready for work.  I got my breakfast to eat at work and my lunch.  At work on my desk I have a bowl of fruit for anyone that is looking for something healthy and delicious.

Tonight I did get in some gym time and it felt good, even though my knee is throbbing now.  I had told one of the other contestants that I would go with her so it gave me more motivation to go.  No excuses today.

I wanted to get in a hour of cardio but it wasn't happening today.  Thirty minutes on the treadmill and I was feeling the pain.  I did some weights and then a slow ride on the bike to finish off the day.  Tomorrow I am suppose to go a shot and I am hoping and praying that it will get me through a few weeks till the end of the contest.  I get so frustrated when I accomplish something I want to do.

Ok this was short and sweet for the night.  I am trying to get it together.  Tomorrow is a new day.

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