Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4-16-13 14 of 100

Oh boy FINALLY made it back to the gym.  After being sick in one way or another for the past week it felt good to be back in the water. 

I woke up still feeling like my tummy didn't want to do anything but I drug myself to the gym.  I had my plans to get in the .75 mile that I have set for my morning swims.  As I drove up I could already see that I was in for the added challenge of dolphin boy ( I know some may think I am being ugly calling him that but.... ).  

As I entered the building I wasn't in a hurry.  I knew that I had plenty of time to get in my planned swim.  I was able to hit the water by 5:40, right on time.  As I was swimming I realized that I wasn't doing all that bad on time.  Even with the waves from dolphin boy ... come on guys you have to see that one stroke he does.  I don't know what to call it but I think of dolphin when I see it.  It makes WAVES.  Now don't get me wrong, he has as much a right as I do to be there.  It's not like I am protesting for him to go away.  I just wish he didn't make so many waves.  I know I know it makes me a stronger swimmer.  Well at least I have to work harder while he is there.  Which means burn more calories.  Some days though I dread it.  Some days I want a nice lazy mile swim.  Be nice to me!!

I get on last .25 and was feeling pretty good and talked myself into doing a full mile.  It was only an extra 15-20 minutes and I had that much time before I HAD to get in the shower without being late for work.  So I did it.  The time went by pretty quickly too.  So my new goal now that I can see I can get there I am pushing myself up 10 min.  If I can get in the water by 5:30 I should be able to get in a mile every morning.

Funny I can remember when I made plans to swim a mile or an hour and it seemed like it took FOREVER.  Today this time was like nothing.  I guess I have gotten use to the two hour swim that this is a quick walk in the park.  I just know it's nice to be able to keep going.

Not much else today.  Stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  

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