Thursday, January 31, 2013

1-31 8/100

Two hour swim and more laps than usual.
Squats on every station.
Something isn't right lol

Yesterday I WORKED out.  Today trainer James killed me.  Both days I kicked it with some good cardio.  I'm tried just thinking about it.

Yesterday I took the day off to take care of some things.  It was a good day.  I started out at the gym bright an early.  I was in the pool by 7:10 and there I stayed for THREE hours.  I did lap swim for two hours and an hour of water fitness.  I was, to say the least, tired and I still have things to do. 

Usually takes me 2 hrs to swim 1.5 miles.  Yesterday I did a lil different and it helped me to cut my time so that I got in an extra qtr mile.  1.75 most I have swam at one time since I started this.  Now when I say I did a lil different just means I did more of the laps "right" lol.  Not that I do anything wrong on a normal day but something that helped me early on to pace myself so I didn't have to stop each lap to catch my breath is something that slows me down.  

So picture this.  You ever watch the rowing teams?  The motion of the rowing their arms and moving the legs?  Now picture my back stroke like that, only laying in the water.  Ok I'll wait for you to stop laughing ... no no go on I have time. 

Why do I do that you ask?  Well I can't do a normal back stroke and well just doing the breast stroke get boring and makes me tired :) lol.  When I first started swimming I would watch and I realized there was a bit of the turtle and rabbit going on in the pool.  I am sure you can guess which one I was.  

Now this was 60 lbs ago.  My leg still bothered me A LOT even in the water.  So my way of keeping a pace without having to stop every lap, or even every length of the pool, was doing the breast stroke going down and doing my back stroke coming back.  My goal has been to be able to swim at least .25 without doing my back stroke.  Yesterday is the closet I have come. 44 laps make a mile.  I break it down in qtrs so on lap 5 and 11 I would allow myself to do my back stroke.  This cut my time more than I realized till I looked at the clock and realized I had already done a mile.  YEAH ME!!!

Today James, my trainer, thought it would be fun to put squats in almost every station.  What didn't have squats was pulling my hamstrings.  I tell him " I hate you" he laughs an says "music to my ears"  There is something wrong with this picture.

I was really excited that I got to meet his wife today.  Aketa is awesome.  I have gotten to chat with her on FB but never met in person till today.  She is such an inspiration.  No wonder they make such a great team.

After I got done there I went to the gym for some cardio.  One hour on the stationary bike logging in 11 miles. Slow for me but after all James put me thru that was a good day :D

Today good food choice.  Great work out.  Tired Genie.  Stand back , say a prayer and cheer me on.  Let's get this done

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1-29-13 7/100

Challenges everywhere!!

The past 24 hours have been a whirlwind for me and the best part I can't talk about yet.  This may kill me lol   

I have not been to the gym all week and I am starting to feel it.  Saturday was the last good workout I had.  Sunday I did get a mile walk in before I did photos of the teams practice.   The rest of the week has been my walking from the back of the parking lot at work and taking the stairs.  Granted this is better than what I was doing two years ago but for me to really move ahead I need a "workout" in.  Gotta get the blood pumping and feel the sweat.

Even though I have not gotten to the gym I have been watching my calories.  (hhmm sounds like I am trying to justify not going to the gym doesn't it?)   I am still keeping in the count but I really have to work on buying my calories more wisely.  I do a healthy breakfast and also a sensible lunch but the evenings get me.  I keep finding reason to  ... well eat.  I know I need to eat but sometime I feel like I am doing it because I know I'm suppose to not always because I am hungry.  Does that makes sense?  

Last night I was way under my calories for the day.  About 8 last night I was sitting at Texas Roadhouse (great place for a steak) with ... well with someone (it's top secrete for now lol)  I love a good rib-eye steak I just never really realized how many calories were in one.  I was good even with that.  I had sweet potato, yes with butter :D don't look at me like that you would dont it too.   I only had one roll .... ok ok two rolls with the cinnamon butter.  You gotta understand how good these things are. yyyuummm.  By the time I had added up my calories I had spent 1,000 on that meal.  Yeah I had them to spend so I didn't "over do" but I have to watch myself eating at night like that.  I know it's not good to eat and then go to bed.  So I read a book lol

Part of the whirlwind that I have been having are with cars.  We are playing musical cars I guess you could say.  3 of 4 people that are fixtures at my house have not changed cars.  All for the better.  In other I now have the newest car of all of them .... bbbwwwhahahahah :D and selling my current one.  It all feel into place in a way that only God could do.  So we have been a buzz with getting everyone the right vehicle and doing the bank thing with it all .. annnddd well you know how that can go.  I have also been helping out a friend, but I can't tell ya about ... yet ():D  don't worry soon ... I promise

My fun challenge today that I am sooo proud of myself about.

Tonight's dinner was on the run.  After calculating up how many calories I could spend on dinner I place me order at Taco Bell.  A cheesy gordito and two tacos.  I didn't pay attention to how much they charged me, I had my mind on other things I was thinking ( I know it hurts but sometimes I do it.) I have a special place I like to sit by the water and think so I headed there.  Nope wasn't hiding, just thanking.  I sat and thunked while I ate.  When I got home to toss the trash they bag seemed heavy.  Did they really put a BUNCH of sauce after I told them I wanted NONE again??  Nope they put in TWO of the Gorditos. (490 calories each)  Yes I admit I was tempted to eat it, after all Momma said don't waste good food.  I even looked back at my app to see if I still have enough calories to spend.  I even told myself I have 232 calories I can take a few bites can't I?  Then I hear the voices (stop it!!)  " Why would you eat even one bit?  You already said you were full.  Just because they messed up and gave you to much doesn't mean you have to eat it"  So what did I do?  I ate the WHOLE thing .......


 It's in the frig.  YEAH ME!!!  I am sure my son will find it when he comes in, but for now I DID NOT EAT IT.  

I guess I have come a long way.  I can remember a time that I would have ate it and rationalized every moment of it.  Today I didn't.  We all have that lil voice and today I listened to it.  I was full.  I didn't need to eat ALL my calories to make it a good day.  They messed up not me. 

Even though things feel like they are spinning around I realize that I am in control at this time more than I realize at times.  I am feeling better than I have in a long time.  I am dealing with things better.  I feel like I have gotten my focus back and I am heading in the right direction.  The time I spend in the gym helps me with this.  When I am working out I am thinking.  Just don't stand to close if I am mad and have weights in my hands lol.  So far no one has gotten hurt :D  When I am in the pool swimming I clear my head and get my thoughts processed more than any other place.

Seriously though, working out helps in so many ways.  I joke about it a lot but it's just as big a part of this journey as eating healthy and getting enough sleep.  There is no one thing that will make it easier.  You just decide you are going to do it and then hit it and don't look back.

Ok guys, time to stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  I am not going back!!  Who's with me?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

1-26-13 6 of 100

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools


Good Swimmer

Great idea

I have never really heard these words directed to me much ... if any.  Today I did.  These words kept me going without really thinking about the pain I was feeling in my body.

I woke up bright and early, ok well at 5:30 am it wasn't really that bright.  I tried to be lazy but for some reason, on a Saturday morning when I could sleep in, I couldn't.  At 7ish I realized I could make it to the gym and in the pool by the time it opened at 8.  Did it happen?? of course not.  One of my bad habits knowing I have plenty of time and dwadling (is that really a word, my Mom use to say that about me) my time away.  I did however make it in the pool by 8:15 so that wasn't to bad.  The swim was harder than usual and I loved it.  I got tired sooner than I would have liked to but it was a good swim.  I have never seen that many people at the pool, esp on a Sat, ever.  

 I get there thinking I'm doing good only to find that the lanes were already full.  I was really happy when they offered to squeeze me in.  For the first hour there was at least 5-6 people trying to fit into 4 lanes and at some times someone sitting waiting to get in the pool.  This made for rough waters and a lil harder swim that I am use to.  I definitely got a workout in.  

By the time I had finished my first mile the pool had started to clear out with no one holding to get in.  Again for the 2nd time today I was glad that something good happened at the pool.  I was really getting tired and knew I wanted to get in at least another half mile.  The last part of my swim I did take easy partly because my leg kept trying to cramp up on me.  The pool is really not a good place to have a leg cramp lol.  I ended up swimming for an hour and forty-five min and some good conversation along the way.

As I was swimming had one of the ladies turn to be and tell say "man you are a good swimmer".  WHAT???  I have the funkiest swim anyone has probably ever saw.  Granted she was, at that time, swimming with one of the water noodles.  Come to find out she had just recently learned to swim.  She learned to swim so she could swim with her grand-kids   She is going to surprise them this summer.  I thought it was pretty cool.

I was feeling pretty good that at least she thought I was a good swimmer and it made me swim ... well a lil prouder? is that a word?? lol.  There is one lil oriental lady I see at the pool a lot and today was no different.  She doesn't swim as much as she does some exercises.  I had stopped to talk to the g'ma at one point and count my rock ( I'll explain in a min) and this is when she told me I had really good endurance.  I have WHAT??  ME?? ok ok I do keep going it's become my goal.  I laugh from time to time at the big swimmer how the swim really fast down and then have to rest.  I am the lil turtle that just keeps going.   Ok I can see endurance but I just never thought about it.

Ok so back to the rocks.  Since I started my 100 miles to swim in a year I actually have to count it.    Most would think this would be easy but for me and my overactive ADD mind I forget where I am in my count.  44 laps per miles.  So I came up with my "counter".  I took some of the rocks from my water fountain.  I have 10 med size and 4 a bit larger.  Each lap I move one of the small ones over, if someone doesn't splash them I do well keeping up with it.  I had at least three people today tell me it's a good idea.  The theory is good but again depending on who is swimming some times my rocks get splashed outta where I have them.  It's a process in work.  I have a few more ideas on what I am going to use for this.

So yeah they day was good.  I got encouragement in ways that I never thought about at the pool.  Now stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

1-24-13 5 of 100

Crazy week.  hhmm what to say?  Tuesday I took my last day before going back to work full time to hit the gym.  I did a two hour swim and then went to my Trainer.  I tell James I hate him, he makes me hurt ... he just laughs.  But I keep going back.  Not only do I keep going back but I PAY him to hurt me ... somehow that doesn't sound right. lol.

Oh did I mention I lost 9 lbs this week?  I am still not convinced that it's right.  I step on the scale at the gym.  The one that I weigh on for the contest?? The one that it looks like something the Biggest  Loser would use?? You know know the one, pretty sure it's the ones they use at the post office lol.   It said I was down 9 lbs but I have the feeling that someone played with the settings.  I know I have kept busy.  I know that I have kept in my calorie count, but I have not lost 9 lbs in less than a week since ... well other than the 3 day diet that, well you know how that went ... since, hhmm I can't remember.  Oh wait yes I can, but we are not talking about that time.  I will only say it was a year and half ago.  I know it could happen but I am, for some reason, not letting myself get toooo excited about it.

I did go back to full days on Wednesday.  I made it thru two days now of working a WHOLE 8 hrs.  Man I'm tired heheh.  No I just don't like it.  It cuts into my gym time.  I did go for my walk on lunch yesterday.  The day was pretty nice and actually worked up a lil bit of a sweat.  Today had a friend wanted to walk with me.  She doesn't walk much and it was cold so we went in after one lap. aka about 10 min.  I had left the house without anything but the t-shirt I was wearing and it was a bit to cold for me or I would have walked at least one more time around.  The cold air was starting to cut into my skin.  I know I know start being more prepared.  But hey, I got to work on time that counts for something.  ():)

So many things going thru my mind these days and I am trying really hard not to let them derail me again.  I know that I feel soooo much better when I get in some exercise, even if it's only my 30 min walk.  I feel better.  I sleep better.  Over all I eat better too.  Funny huh?  Anyone else feel that way?

Part of me REALLY wants to take a day off tomorrow and just spend at the gym and working on my house.  At the same time I really don't want to take all of my vacation time at the start of the year (like so many end up doing every year).  I get almost 6 weeks time and I only have two weeks of that time planned off.  Spring break may be my stay-cation unless the kids talk me into something.  I do have the week of my birthday (labor day week) off and plan on taking a cruise then.  I have funds that will be set aside for that.   I hardly ever take a vacation much try and take TWO in one year.  Who knows maybe this year will be different.  I know the kids are getting older and it may be my last year to really spend vacation time with them.

I really want to make the most of this year.  I have several big things that will come up and I want to look, and feel great for them.  My daughter will graduate HS.  My son will graduate college.  I will have my thirty year class reunion. 
caps lock OMG!!! I can't believe it. That is the one that I REALLY want to look good for.  Where did the time go?  T.H.I.R.T.Y????  OMG!!!!!

Food this week has been up and down but even that I have kept in my calorie range.  I know that if I made more healthy choices, like today, I could eat better keeping in my range.

This morning can't say it was the most healthy choice but it was good.  Morning burrito with beans, potatoes, jalapenos ... to bad I didn't know they had whole wheat tortilla till I asked when I picked up my order.  Man I'm gonna be all over that one.  

Lunch, after my short walk, I had steamed veggies.  It was in the cafeteria and they can make even the most healthy choice not as healthy.  They do steam the veggies but then they end up putting them on the grill and doing something to them in that wonderful grease they call butter.  IDK but I  had a big plate of that. 

For dinner I had, well I call it chicken soup.  I had made chicken an dumplings the other night and this was some of it left over.  The dumplings were all but gone.  It was chicken an some of the broth, somethin like a cream of chicken soup but ... well not.   It was good and I had two bowls of that.  Even all that I was still way under my calorie count for the day.

I am sure one of the days I am going to get in my healthy food choices, in the calorie count AND get the exercise right ALL in ONE day.  I know I can!!!
So stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  I would love it if you join me too.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1-22-13 4 of 100

Well I am falling behind here but not on my journey.  I am doing more than I have in a while, even though some of my day to day challenges are not always met.  I am feeling better about all the time about where I am going on this journey.
Last week I made my goal of going to the gym at least 3 times a week.  I didn't swim all of the two mile goal but since I was ahead from the week before it's all good.  That was the plan any way .. wasn't it? :D
Food choices are getting better.  I am spending my calorie bank in more healthy ways.  I have a new FAV place to eat out.  Genghis Grill.  They have some wonderful healthy options there.  I can eat, and get FULL, for 500 calories or less.  Just have to remember to stay away form the last page.  You what they always ask if you are leaving room for don'tcha?  I only indulged one time for a few bites.  I promise the kids ate the rest.
I am trying to shake off the old self that I beat myself up if I miss even one goal.  Yes my goal was to swim at least 2-2.5 miles a week.  I didn't make it but I was by no means just sitting around letting the weight catch up to me.  I am going to run away from that stuff as fast as I can.  
Friday was the last gym workout that I had but the weekend was busy.  Saturday I went with my daughter to a powerlifting meet.  Man that is great to watch the kids get in there a lift.  I ran around (not actual running) the gym trying to get from station to station to take pix of the kids.  That lasted about 5 hrs of me on my feet time.
Sunday after church I went to my new fav place to eat.  After that my daughter wanted to go for pedi and he super boyfriend treated us both to that.  Since the only place open on Sunday to get one is in the mall that is where we went.  You know how it is when you go to the mall .. you WALK!!  Doesn't everyone??  I didn't have my Fitbit with me so not sure how many steps I took but by the end of the day I was tired.  Dinner wasn't the most healthy choice but when I stopped and counted my calories I was still in range.
Monday... well Monday wasn't the best day physically that I have had here lately.  I did GREAT on my calories even had some left over at the end of the day.  Sunday evening wasn't great, long story short I didn't get much sleep. I was really tired and didn't want to go to work yesterday but I did.  I was glad I was still on half days.  I wanted to go to the gym when I got off but the day started off wrong and I never really got on track.  
My plan was to swim when I got off work but I didn't have time to pack my bag.  By the time I would have been able to get back home after work and then go to the gym I would not have gotten that much time in to swim so I called in off.
  I know I know " not that much".  There it is again.  I could have gone. Should have gone.  But I didn't.  I went and returned some jeans that I had gotten that were to big, came home and took a short nap and went to the store with a friend.  Today is make up time.  Today I will get my hour swim in an then time with my trainer.  I am sure once I  help my friend clean at her house and then clean on my house I will have more than made up for it all.
So stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  You can also join me if you like :D

Monday, January 14, 2013

1-14-13 3 of 100

So this is going to be my 100% year.  Why am I just now going for 100%?  There's a twist that I didn't think about till I was talking with a friend.
As you know I have set out to lose at least 100 lbs this year.  I know I had planned on having it done by now but I let life get in my way.  I am praying, and asking you to pray also, that this year is DIFFERENT!!!!  This year I have more determination that I did two years ago when I set out on this journey.  I set unrealistic goals.  I got discouraged when I didn't see results like I wanted to see when I wanted to see them.  Long story short I am hoping I am past that.  I can now see that I have made a BIG change but I am only half way that and I NEED to get on with this journey.  I am more pumped up about it than I was two years ago AND I have a bigger support group to hold me accountable too.
No that's not all that the 100% year is about.  I have also signed up to swim 100 miles by the end of the year.  That's only 2.5 miles a week.  While I am off on half days of work I am getting a head start on it.  I did last week I got in 7.5 miles and I hoping to get in that much in this week as well.  This week will be a lil more of a challenge since I won't get in my Saturday swim like I want to.  Going out of town for my daughters power lifting meet.  I am super excited about that too. Yes I will have pictures :D
Still wanting to know why 100% not just about giving it me all?  Thought you might be.  I am setting a goal to do 100/ 100 things.  Lose 100 lbs.  Swim 100 miles.  Try 100 new things ... ohh I tried fried squid this week, not to bad lol.  100 NSVs.  100 bible studies. 100 ... ok well you get the point.  Oh I can't forget my blog, no less than 2-3 times a week.  I would love to say I will do this everyday but it's not happening.  Beside with all the other 100's that I am doing I will be tired lol.  So expect to see me on here to report in several times a week starting NOW!!!
Tomorrow I have a busy day planned out.  Work. starting back with my trainer. THEN swim after he kicks my butt.  Dr visit and bible study to top it all off.  I feel tired just thinking about it but I am pumped at the same time.
With the day that I have ahead of me tomorrow I need to get off here.  So stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.  Hope to see you out there with me too.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Jan 7, 2013 2 of 100

Wow I hurt today. I started today with the goal of getting to the gym for a workout and then doing my house cleaning workout.  Did I make it?  Let's see

This week I had told myself I was going to get serious about workouts (like I had last year) no less than 2-3 times a week at the gym.  My work schedule is 7-4, the gym opens at 5 pool at 5:30.  I had been getting to gym at 5 am before work.  Granted my work schedule was 9-6 and I have used the excuse that I didn't have as long to work out.  Key word here, AS MUCH.  This means I CAN get some time in.  Anything is better than nothing, which is what I have been doing more an more ... nothing.  I was walking on my lunch breaks before I went out on medical leave, but the past month not much of anything.  If you have read my earlier blog you know why I was out.

So my goal is to make myself be at the gym at 5 am, even after I go back to work (like I use to this time last year).  I know I can't get in the time that I want.  But the deal is that I can get a small workout in the weight room and then at 5:30 when the pool opens get in 30-40 mins a swim.  That is about half a mile with the time that I was doing today.  If I can get in that rhythm and add a longer work out on Saturdays and get this going.  Even if I miss my Saturday workout (cuz lets face it I am not going to workout on Saturdays all the time) I can still get in my weekly goal to meet my swim goal.

Ok ok I did give away that I did make it to the gym.  But you are still wondering how close I got to my goal today, aren't ya? :D

My goal was to workout at the gym as well as at home.  I did get in a good work the gym.  I did 3 sets on 3 different weight machines.  100 reps each at 50 lbs on the ab machine and seated leg curls an then 30 reps on the leg curls laying down.  I was starting to feel the burn and it was feeling good.    It was nothing compared to what I felt when I was done in the pool.  

I started my swim in the goal of swimming an hour.  Not all that hard to do for me these days, they first 15 min is the hardest.  Once I get past that first 15 min I get in the mind set of my swim.  I get my thoughts on other things.  I clear my mind.  I pray.  I plan my goals of where I want to be next week, next month and a year from now.  

As  I was getting into my swim the water instructor was there.  As I started talking to her about my swimming habits.  She seen me last year when I first started my swimming workouts.  She has seen my progress.  We started talking about some of my set backs.  Before I knew it I was agreeing to joining the "I'm gonna swim 100 miles in a year" team.  WHAT????  

Now I have not one but two 100 goals this next year.  I want to be down 100 lbs in weight and up 100 miles in the pool.  So let's break this down.  At the rate I was swimming today, if I go EVERY day and get in 30-40 min would be at least .5 miles a day.  Let's see that would 2.5 miles a week, more if I get in swim time on Saturdays too.  Ok 2.5 miles a week x4 weeks aahhh 10 miles a week... right??  So 10 miles a month x12 months oh wait that would be more than 100 huh? lol

I can break down the weight loss in the same way.  I am not going push myself any harder than that.  As much as I would like to say 100 lbs by the time my daughter graduates in May.  I would like to say I will be down the 100 lbs by Sept for my birthday.  But I don't want to make goals like that.  I tried making those kind of goals two years ago when I started this off.  I got upset at times when hit plateaus and felt like I missed my goal.  I have to figure in a place for the set backs, we all have them.  I know there will be good and bad days.  I know that my swim time may vary some too but there will be good days that I can make it up.

So I did make it to the gym and got a good work out in but I did not get house work done.  By the time I got out of the pool I had a phone call that got my on a different track.  I did manage to get a lot of things done that needed to be, but not house work.  

Yeah I had a good day and I was tired by the time I got back home.  My body hurt and I made the mistake of sitting down for a few minutes.  I ended up falling sleeping for a bit but I feel good about the day.

I got goals and plan to stay on it.  Stand back, say a prayer an cheer me on .. that matter come join me.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

1-5-13 first post of the year

ok so this is the first post that I have done this year ... in about a month :/ but here I am now.
The past month has been a real challenge for me.  As I had stated in the last post that I had been dealing with some depression and it was kicking me down.  I wish I could say I am "healed" from it but there is no real "cure all" for it just gotta learn how to deal with it.  
I wish I could say that even though I had this "set back" that I  had still done well with my journey, but I haven't.  I have had ups and down on the scale as well as with my moods.

Just before Christmas I did the 3 day military diet.  I did good with it, I lost 14 lbs.  I know you're thinking that is GREAT!!   Hold on before you throw me a party.  As I have said many times the fad diets last about as long as it took to get the results, this time was no different.  I know it's partly due to the holidays but I also know that's an excuse.  I could have controlled myself a bit better.   I just didn't do well at all this month.  Am I going to sit around an let it get to me, beat myself up?  naaa I am getting past that.  I  just have to pull myself up again and keep going.

Today gave me news that I didn't like.  I had to face the fact that they crazy three diet did pretty much nothing for me (unless you look at it as if I hadn't I would be 30lbs more right now, yeah I like that one <3 ).   I know what I have to do and I NEED to get it done.  Who's with me?

Today I did pretty good, so far.  I was up by 6 and really wanted to go back to sleep but by the time I felt this I had already been up for an hour and really trying to get out of that habit (that got out of control with the depression) and stay up all day.  By 9:00 I had done a lil cleaning around the house and found my way to the pool.  I got in a good hour swim and it felt pretty good.  I had not gotten to swim in months now, plenty of cardio but no swimming.

Since the past month I have been on medical leave for all this junk I have not been getting to the gym like I wish I could.  This week it WILL change.  I go back to work in the next week and I need to get myself going.  I will be at the gym at 7am, same as if I was at work, and get a good workout in.  Even after I go back to work I will make myself get to the gym no less than three days a week.  So again who's with me?  Who's gonna keep me on track?
Let's do this guys.  Stand back, say a prayer and cheer me on.